Wherever we are and whatever we are doing, we try to make it fun!

The First Summer

Williams Lab 2018

Williams lab graduate students: Sepideh Soukhtehzari (current, PhD Canidate); Sumreen Javed, PhD and Karan Khanna, PhD (Williams lab alumni)

Summer student: Karlee Searle (current position, M.D.)

Research Tecnhician: Richard Berish and Aman Dhaliwal (current positions, M.Ds.)

Williams lab gearing up for 2019

Williams Lab- Spring 2019

Williams lab welcomed three new members: Nikki Salmond, PhD (postdoctoral researcher), Kelly Tam (undergraduate student) and Nazarine (research technician).

We said goodbye to Karlee, Richard, and Aman as all three left for medical school.

Williams lab: all set to go!

Williams Lab- Fall 2019

Williams lab welcomed one new members, Esther Afolayan (MSc student), and attended the Canadian Cancer Research Conference in Ottawa where Sumreen gave a podium presentation on her PhD work!

Williams lab 2020

A quiet year for the Williams. Restrictions kept us home and we slowly got back into the lab by years end.

Williams lab 2021

Williams lab welcomed three new graduate students: Vivi Chen and Kendal Ruzicki (MSc students) and Sina Halvaei, MSc (PhD candidate). Summer student Rebecca Liu and VIRS student Carina Dürr also joined the lab for short research projects. We tested our skills in bowling and decided are skills are better suited for the lab!

Williams lab 2022

Williams lab literally took to the sky’s with a tree-top walk in the forest. We welcomed two new graduate students Jacob Melamed, , MSc (PhD candidate), Olivia Drummond (co-supervised with Dr. Simon Wisnovsky) and PDF Merlyn Emmanuel.

Sumreen and Esther both defended their thesis and while Sumreen moved on to a postdoctoral fellowship position, Esther decided to stay with the Williams lab for a PhD!!

Williams lab 2023

No new members this year. The Williams lab has been busy finishing off projects and traveling to meeting.

Vivi finished her MSc and Karan defended his PhD. Many of the Williams lab team members were off presenting at conferences this year. It continues to be a fun and busy year.